Three Important Questions to Answer Before Saying, “Action!”

So you’re thinking about video, smart, very smart. The statistics for video marketing in 2016 prove that motion imagery is absolutely necessary when creating a marketing strategy. Adelie Studios uncovered research proving the impact of video marketing:

You’ve read the studies, heard the stats and are likely part of the 92% of the mobile consumers sharing videos (  You’ve done your homework and you see what’s going out there. Now it’s time to get you started.

Content is King and Pre-Production is Key


Say it with me now, “Content is King and Pre-Production is Key”. When considering video, this is a vital rule to follow. Most video projects have more to do with content (writing and editing) than they do with the actual “pictures”/imagery themselves. According to Hubspot, 80% of customers remember a video they watched in the last month. Video added to a viewer’s memory archive is a result of good content and evoking emotion connected to your brand. Good content facilitates more shares, more traffic, and of course, higher conversion rates.

Part of the pre-production process and getting started requires the answers to the following questions…

  1. What do you want to communicate? Promoting a product or service? A branding effort? Demonstration perhaps, or corporate communication? In any case, keep your messaging to one or two goals that you can build upon.Getting The Shot
  2. Who are you communicating to? Who is your audience? Will the video play to your business prospects? Current clients? General public or internally? Note: your video can have multiple audiences but you need to be tuned-in to the “voice” and the content of your video. For example, what appeals to your team and employees might not be a shared interest of your external audience. The natural impact of any marketing strategy is contingent on understanding and defining your audience.Brenner Message
  3. What is the deliverable? What is the intended delivery of the video? Online? Sales presentation? Trade Show? Social Media? The intended platform of your video makes a difference. For example, Trade Shows are busy, noisy places where videos are competing for attention. Here, a short, looping video (60-90 seconds) works best, using large/bold titles that can be read from a distance to bring the messaging (instead of voice-over).

Stand out, Attract, Engage & Convert

If you start with a concept and plan that is aligned with communicating your message, the rest is all execution. Hiring the right team for execution is vital to your video’s success in standing out, attracting, engaging and converting. Now that you understand the steps to getting started, it’s time to hire the experts to take care of the rest. Call us today to chat about your next video project.

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