THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPH used for marketing was of a Philadelphia Optician’s office in 1843. Since then photography has become an essential part of marketing and advertising. Here are three ways great professional photography makes your marketing better.
1) Higher Perceived Value
Marketing is based on the perceived value your product or service offers to your customer. Whether it’s a blueberry muffin or an MRI machine, the images you use in your marketing speak volumes about your company. More than ever before B2C and B2B customers are associating the quality of your marketing with the quality of your offering.
Photos that put your product in the best possible light increase the perceived value of that product. And photos that showcase the way in which your product is made highlight the work that goes on behind the scenes and demonstrates the value behind the price.
2) Transparency = Trust,
Trust = Loyalty
Consumers are constantly bombarded by spam, junk mail and marketing propaganda. Therefore, today’s consumer is less willing to believe what you have to say and is inherently skeptical of your marketing messages. Professional photography that cuts through the propaganda and shows who you really are helps separate you and create a more trustworthy image. The more trustworthy you are the more loyalty a customer will have.
Photos that show your staff or your culture make your marketing messages more believable because they are perceived as honest (as opposed to using stock photos or none at all).
3) Start The Sales Process With A Virtual Visit
Most businesses agree that a prospect that tours their facility or storefront is more likely to become a customer. With the vast majority of prospects beginning their research online, photography of your business provides a virtual visit to your business that instantly gives you an advantage.
Photos that show the exterior and interior of your facility or storefront make a potential customer much more likely to become an actual customer.