This summer, my fiancé, Susan and I visited the secret caverns near Cobleskill, New York. The 100 ft underground waterfall was lit with various colors installed to add an additional mystique to the cave. The humidity and mist made it nearly impossible to snap a single photo and the guided tour was moving quickly so I had just 10 minutes to shoot as many photos as possible. After HDR processing the photo, then reprocessing the shot many times, making notes of various areas to bring out more detail and color, I had about (10) exposed images of the same shot. After all of this work and managing to create an image the way I remembered the moment, I was very happy.
With digital image manipulation almost any photo can be made into something enjoyable that captures not just a subject but a moment in time. To accomplish this, you need a little time, creative thought, and care to enhance the image and edit it to the way it looked in real life. This is possible even if the conditions make it nearly impossible.